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Hills Health Ranch



Grandchildren bring their Grandparents to the Ranch
108 Mile...  Many grand parents are bringing their grandchildren to the ranch for horseback riding, biking, hiking, walking & playing in the outdoors  while the grand parents visit the spa! The desire for bonding, making family time, enhancing relationships, & bridging between generations, is the priority for the grand parents in their time here with us. We are also seeing how the grand parents proudly introduce their grand children to some “tween spa treatments” that are offered on the spa menu, while also proudly providing some mentoring & memories of their own spa or ranch experiences from earlier in their lives.
Evening family get together's in our 3 bedroom chalets with their full kitchen, living room, large balconies, are the center of after dinner  card games, charades, & rich “family times”, & many of the grandparents have departed saying what a great idea it was to come and stay at a ranch!! Allowing the grandchildren to see horses & go riding, play with a baby miniature donkey, go swimming, go biking on hundreds & even thousands of acres of open ranch lands, going on an old-fashioned [Back to Press Releases Main]